Thursday, October 29, 2009

Welcome to Clear Day Capital

Clear Day Capital provides bridge-loan financing (hard money loans) for professional real estate investors with projects in northern Utah. We listen to our clients, understand their projects, and help them make the project a reality.

New Clients
We work with a limited number of repeat clients that usually have multiple loans outstanding. We carefully screen new clients for experience, capital resources, credit worthiness, and their business plan. If you are interested in becoming a Clear Day Capital client, here is the process:
  1. Call David Safeer at 801.747.6343 and set-up a time to meet
  2. Meet with David for about 1-2 hours for a new client orientation. Please be prepared to discuss who you are, your experience, at what you are trying to accomplish. If you have partners, they should attend the meeting as well.
  3. David will clearly explain Clear Day Capital's underwriting standards, loan documentation, past-due loan policies, origination fees and interest rates, and how to make a formal application to become a client
  4. If there is a mutual agreement that we want to work together, you will make a formal application to become a client by submitting a 1003 (uniform residential loan application) and a current credit report. Click here to get the 1003 form.
  5. Plan that the first project will take 1-2 weeks to underwrite and fund. Subsequent projects should take about 3-5 business days to underwrite and fund.
We want to make the process as easy as possible and at the same time set the foundation for a long-term working relationship.

Contact Information
Clear Day Capital can be contacted at:

801.747.6343 Phone
801.401.7267 Fax

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